This birthday weekend was fantastic and I will post about it later, but while I'm in the library, I need to get one freaking thing off my chest: LOUD, ANNOYING, OBNOXIOUS SPACEBAR HITTERS, along with a SLEW of other public place offenses that I shall name in this posting. What do I even mean by this, you ask? Well, there are several things that annoy me most in a public computer area (because that's where I am, --at the library,) 1.) LOUD SPACEBAR HITTERS or LOUD TYPERS in general, 2.) HEAVY BREATHERS, 3.) CELL PHONE USERS, 4.) SNOT SUCKERS, and 5.) STINKY PEOPLE. Okay, I can't stand typing in a public environment in the first place because something
ALWAYS annoys the shit out of me, whether it's a
conversation, an irritating voice, annoying people watchers, food smackers/crunchers,
and/or stupid music.
HOWEVER, what seems to pop up the most are all of the five I listed. ----FOR EXAMPLE, there is this guy, only feet away from me right now, who is hitting his spacebar so freaking loudly and inconsistently that I feel like getting up, throwing my chair at the Reference Section Community Files cabinet right next to me, and going over there to strangle him
somehow with his bluetooth capable earpiece. I don't know HOW I would strangle him with such a device, but I would find a way in the possible fit of rage that his terrible typing is about to send me. Another person, who is currently behind me, is a very stupid typer, who sounds like his fingers could eject at any moment and project themselves into someone's eyeballs or one of the heavy breather's mouths nearby. I seriously
cannot stand the people around me right now, except the darling lady next to me who, has somehow not been audible since I got here---so really, what the HELL is she doing at the computer? I'm not very sure, but her computer using ethics are saavy ones and I wish I had a small trophy in my pocket to give to her, but I don't keep awards in my pocket. --However, I could give her this small library pencil to my left. --
Anyway, to continue my point, -there's someone else nearby who is breathing HEAVILY down my neck. I can feel their hot breath somehow
circumventing their massive head and finding its way down the collar of my hoody. Eeeiiickh. Also, in front of me, there is another user who is incessantly talking on his phone and asking the person on the end of the line to get someone's email address and call him back. This person has called him at least
5 times since I've been sitting here. HOLY GOD. You would think that after 5 times, the person could have retrieved such information, plus, I'm really getting tired of hearing this guy announcing his stupid business all the way over to the children's section. SPEAKING OF STINKY PEOPLE, -you know the lady that I mentioned earlier who was completely quiet? Yeah, she justtttttt got up and left a trail of STENCH behind her and there's a guy two rows in front of me that keeps sucking his snot far into his brain every few seconds. Geeeeez, does anyone have some tissues for this Dyson vacuum cleaner? I've seriously got to get out of here before I lose my mind or the guy behind me, who continues to type louder and faster than hell, -impels his NASCAR RACING fingers into the back of my brain! AGAGHAGHAGHAGAHGAGHHHHH!!!