Redated Sunday, September 12th, 2010....
So, I cleaned out my car the other day. I really did, I swear this time. On any normal day, the inside could easily qualify for hurricane/tornado insurance. I'm awful to a car. But my car is a jerk... My jeep has stupid canvas seats that, when wet, stain terrifically. You could take the purest water in the world, or holy water, and pour it over the seat, let it dry, and find a STAIN with stupid cruddy stuff rimming the edges of it. My car's seats are satan. ---So, this morning, I woke up, blind as a f*cking bat, and put my contacts in to go look at my newly cleaned seats. I spent 3 hours on the seats alone and it took a day and a half to dry. So, I went outside and started removing stuff that I left inside from taking stuff from the Greer House to Goodwill, as well as some of the stuff that my DAD PROMISED he would take home for himself (he helped me clean the house too, which by the way, I affectionately call the "Greer House") ONLY TO FIND THAT I HAD LEFT THE FLIPPING, FLUBBING SUNROOF OPEN the night before and it had RAINED. Guess what was waiting for me when I got there? CRUDDDDDY SEATS. I wanted to cry. I didn't though. Anywho, I decided that I was going to work out in my home gym after trying numerous outfits on and finding that I should have NEVER drank the milk this morning because NOTHING FIT right. I tried on four potential outfits and nothing fit the way I wanted it to. SICK OF IT. So, I shove in Bewitched (the show) in my laptop and got on the elliptical. Then I realized that I have two baskets of clothes that NEED to be washed, but I don't have a dryer where I am, which REALLY pisses me off. In addition to this, I also have NO FOOD in the fridge, and something has to be done about it ASAP. As I'm standing lamely on the elliptical, I question whether or not I want to take a shower before going to WALMART for groceries. I also think about how I need to shave my legs and bring my bad-ass shopping bags along with me. So, 30 mindless, fruitless... did I mention "WASTED" minutes later, I get in my soiled-seated jeep and head on down to Wallyworld. As I get out of the car, I looked down at my feet. As I look down at my feet, I looked up at my legs. As I looked at my legs, I noticed tarantula hair and the fact that I forgot my bad-ass shopping bags. ANGERED, I audibly whisper-yelled "FUCK," get back in the car, and SLAM the door. As I turn on the ignition, I realize that the show I just gave outside my car had been viewed (in its entirety) by the buggy boy just a few feet away, who, when I looked up, glanced away as if he had been tending to his buggy duties the whole time. Embarassed by my behavior and my hairy legs, I smiled to insure him I wasn't fully insane. Clearly READY to get out of the parking lot, I rolled down my window, smiling, and assuringly said to the buggy boy, "It's a bad day."